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How do I cancel my Takealot Seller Account in South Africa?

Created by - Saket Patil

How do I cancel my Takealot Seller Account in South Africa?

So, you have decided to stop selling on Takealot? Well, if you are not selling on Takealot, you must deactivate your account before you move on. Why? Because Takealot Seller Fees will continue to accumulate whether you sell via the portal or not. So, how do you cancel your Takealot Seller Account in South Africa? Let's find out with this article.How do I Cancel my Takealot Seller Account in South Africa?If you are planning to deactivate your Takealot Seller account, you can literally do it in 3 simple clicks. Please note that we are discussing deactivating a Takealot 'Seller' account. If you are deactivating/deleting a Takealot Customer account, scroll down to Deleting your Takealot Customer Account in South Africa.There are two ways to handle the cancellation of your Takealot Seller account. Deactivating the account or completely deleting the account and wiping associated data with it. Let's talk about them one by one.How to Deactivate Your Takealot Seller Account?Being a Takealot Seller can be a difficult experience. For any reason, you might want to consider taking a temporary break from Takealot. In that case, you may just want to deactivate your seller account temporarily.Deactivating a seller account means you can always resume selling on Takealot whenever you want. During your deactivation, Takealot will not charge you a monthly fee.To do so,log in to your Takealot Seller Account.Then, click on your profile icon in the top right corner.Select 'Account'. This should open the Account Overview window.Click on 'Stop Selling on Takealot'.And that's it. You have successfully deactivated your account.If you want to start selling on Takealot again, simply follow the steps above. If your account is deactivated, you will see a 'Start Selling on Takealot' button instead of 'Stop Selling on Takealot'. Simply click on it and your account will be reactivated and you can resume selling.How to Cancel Your Takealot Seller Account?Cancelling your seller account is just a step further after you deactivate it.Once you click on 'Stop Selling on Takealot', Takealot will contact you to ask if you wish to cancel your Takealot account. If yes, Takealot will communicate with you and help you deactivate your Takealot Seller Account in South Africa. Follow the instructions accordingly. You will not be charged any subscription fee during your deletion.Deleting your Takealot Customer Account in South AfricaEarlier, we mentioned that we are mainly focusing on deleting a Takealot Seller Account in South Africa. Now, let's talk about deleting your Takealot Customer Account in South Africa.If you no longer use Takealot for any purchases, it is best to delete your Takealot Customer Account and all the associated data. Let's see how.Navigate to the Delete My Account page.If you have not logged in to your account already, Takealot will prompt you to log in.Login to the account you wish to delete.Carefully review all the information and then click on the 'Submit Deletion Request' button.You will receive a confirmation email. Simply click on the link in your email and that's it!You have successfully deleted your Takealot Customer Account and its associated data.Final ThoughtsAnd that is how you deactivate or cancel your Takealot Seller Account in South Africa. This information is usually reserved for Takealot Sellers alone. The cancellation process happens via email communications. But now you know how or where you can initiate it.Becoming a Takealot Seller can be a very rewarding experience for well-established businesses. Despite having plenty of subscription fees, Takealot can be a great source of revenue if you know where to invest and what products are selling. However, Takealot may seem overwhelming for starters. But fret not, Skill Space has a Takealot Seller Course that covers all the aspects of Takealot. It is also FREE for a limited time! So hurry up before the offer fades away.If you have any further questions about Takealot, feel free to reach out to us.

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Published - 3 Days Ago

How to Start a Dropshipping Business in South Africa in 2024?

Created by - Saket Patil

How to Start a Dropshipping Business in South Africa in 2024?

Starting a Dropshipping Business in South Africa can be a little tricky. Unlike Western countries like the US or the UK, South Africa faces issues when it comes to delivery times from China. As you are aware, dropshippers almost always use Chinese suppliers to import and sell trendy products, all without keeping any inventory on hand. So, would a dropshipping business model work in South Africa? Can you really start a dropshipping business in South Africa in 2024? Let's find out.How do you Start a Dropshipping Business in South Africa?It is absolutely possible to start a dropshipping business in South Africa in 2024, despite the challenges you may face. In 2024, the competition is high and many popular niches are saturated with tons of suppliers, tons of retailers, and of course, plenty of knock-offs.So, how do you dominate this market? The answer is, you don't. But this is where it gets tricky.One solid piece of advice that almost always works for a dropshipping business is to focus on untapped, unfocused niches. This is the most difficult part of the process. Once you find the right niche for your business, however, everything else is pretty straightforward.How do I find the Right Niche for my Dropshipping Business?Research, research, and more research!Thanks to the internet, research is almost free and anybody can do it. First of all, decide on an umbrella niche you would want to research. This will also help you identify your target audience and your competition.Under your umbrella niche, research what kind of products have a high demand. Unless there's a potential market you can tap into with these high-demand products, you will automatically scratch them off your list. Now, your goal is to find a certain niche that has a high demand but low competition in the market. This is where understanding trends comes in handy. How do you do that? Keyword and trend research, of course.We highly recommend tools like Google Keyword Research, Google Trends, Facebook Audience Insights, and Keywords Everywhere. Google Keyword Research requires a Google Ads account.Use these tools to specify your keyword research. Use long-tailed keywords to explore specific niches and your competition and decide on your niche accordingly. Take a deep dive to find the right niche for your dropshipping business.If you can see that a certain product is about to get trendy, you can capitalise on it. The key here is to stay ahead of the competition."Do your keyword and trend research, try to find a high-demand low-competition market to decide on your niche."I got my Niche. What Now?If you have found a perfect niche for your business, you have crossed the biggest obstacle. However, it's not over yet. Your next step is to find the right suppliers for your niche.We have mentioned a few Dropshipping Suppliers in South Africa in 2024 in another article. Make sure to give it a read.However, if you have an obscure niche, you may have a hard time finding the right supplier. You may have to expand your supplier search outside of South Africa. In this case, be aware of the market demand, delivery time and costs, and product quality.Once you get a supplier, order a few samples for quality check. Remember, as a dropshipper, you have little to no control over product quality and logistics. Thus a background check will add that extra layer of relief for your business. The trust between a dropshipper and a supplier is crucial if you want the business to thrive."Finding the right supplier is the key to making your dropshipping business happen. Before finalising a supplier, order some product samples from them. Do some quality checks as you have little to no control over product quality, packaging, and shipping."You must get an E-Commerce WebsiteNow, you need a medium to connect your suppliers directly to your customers. The answer is an E-Commerce Website. Getting a website for your dropshipping business is a relatively easy task.In 2024, you can simply build a store with Shopify with a monthly fee or you can get a customised store completely built from scratch within South Africa with the help of a web designer.Some dropshipping platforms in South Africa such as DropStore or ShopStar also provide you a web design along with a few dropshipping products at a monthly cost.What option you would want to choose depends on how you want to represent yourself as a dropshipping business. For a fully personalised and customised website, we would highly recommend hiring a web designer to do this job for you."Hire a web designer to get a fully personalised dropshipping store that resonates with your branding. Or you can get premade websites from your dropshipping platform (if available) or build a website with Shopify."Now, let's attract your audienceA dropshipping business thrives on trendy products. In such cases, what's better than a social media platform to advertise your business?In South Africa, Meta Products such as WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook are the most popular. You may utilise their extensive and intuitive advertising tools to reach out to a specific set of audiences that resonates with your business.Also, you can use these social media platforms to provide customer service.Apart from that, you may also utilise Google Ads to further market the enticing products your dropshipping business has to offer.Marketing can be a tricky affair. If you are confused about marketing, then instead of shooting arrows in the dark, you can hire a marketing team to help your business. A marketing team can streamline your marketing strategy, attracting the right customers to your business, thus effectively helping your revenue strategies."Marketing is the key to letting others hear about your business. If you are confused about how to market your business, consider hiring a marketing team for your business. Invest in the right people to avoid the risk of unexpected financial losses."Drawbacks of Being a Dropshipper in South AfricaA dropshipping business is an easy business model that can help you understand a market without having to put your skin in the game.However, that comes at a cost.As a dropshipper, you are also competing with local retail markets. These retail businesses have already invested in a stock that they need to sell. On the other hand, a dropshipper does not invest in anything.Now, if your direct competition is a retail store, you may find it hard to compete as a dropshipper. Since you do not invest in a stock, it translates as 'you are not as serious about your business as these retail stores' for some. Furthermore, if doing business with you means angering their retail partners, a supplier may feel reluctant to conduct business with you.This makes finding a supplier challenging. This also marks the utmost importance of finding a niche that would not directly compete with local retail businesses. Also, as mentioned previously, the long delivery times and high costs are often not worth it if you choose a Chinese supplier.However, there's a workaround to reduce costs and delivery time from ordering from China. Airpool is a South African service that consolidates various deliveries for South Africa and ships them as one package. We highly recommend checking them out for more information.In ConclusionDropshipping in South Africa in 2024 is a totally doable option. The key is to understand the South African market competition and the dropshipping game. You may use a dropshipping business model to get a better understanding of the market or start a full-fledged dropshipping business. As long as the pros outweigh the cons, you should consider this low-cost investment business model.Skill Space is currently developing a full-fledged course on how you can start a dropshipping business in South Africa. Meanwhile, did you know that you can also dropship on Takealot? By becoming a Takealot Seller in South Africa, you can also do dropshipping. The catch is that Takealot will use their branding as packaging before they deliver your products.To find out how you can become a Takealot Seller, we highly recommend our Takealot Seller Course which is FREE for a limited time. Don't miss out and register with us today to take the course.If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.

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Published - Fri, 12-Jul-2024

Is it Worth Selling on Takealot in South Africa?

Created by - Skill Space

Is it Worth Selling on Takealot in South Africa?

Yes, it is worth selling on Takealot in South Africa. However, there's a catch. It may or may not be suitable for your business, thanks to certain factors that may make you take a step back from considering the platform. What are these factors? What makes Takealot a high-risk high-reward platform in South Africa? Let's find out if Takealot is a platform worth selling on in South Africa.Takealot - The Biggest E-Commerce Platform in South AfricaTakealot is the biggest e-commerce presence in South Africa and has a strong foothold in the market. It is so strong that even Amazon, a global e-commerce giant is struggling to compete with Takealot. This is despite the fact Amazon has lower product prices and dirt-cheap onboarding merchant fees at merely R1 (yearly). We are not going to see Takealot being dominated by any other e-commerce platform in South Africa for a while, that's for sure.Takealot is a South Africa-exclusive e-commerce platform. This translates into Takealot having a better understanding of the market and the wants and needs of the customers. According to Semrush, Takealot had around 21 million visits in May 2024 alone.Of course, being on the number one platform in South Africa means the competition will be extremely gruesome. This brings us to our next topic: Takealot seller fees that may turn you away from considering Takealot to make sales in South Africa.High Seller Fees on Takealot - A Dilemma for Sellers in South AfricaAs the name suggests, Takealot 'takes a lot' of fees from you as a seller. The LOLs aside, this may be understandable.Takealot is a brand of trust and quality in South Africa. Whatever comes out of Takealot, South Africans expect it to be of high quality and also expect good customer service if something goes awry. To maintain the quality, Takealot wants its sellers to put skin in the game. The higher investment costs mean subconsciously sellers will also be critical of the product quality and packaging as they would not want to waste their investment.However, while that is true, this creates a dilemma for sellers with a weaker budget. If you do not have backup finances to recover from losses, Takealot may not be a solid option for you. It may turn out to be a gamble for you; you may find success and recover better if you manage to attract the right customers to your products, or you may find yourself at a loss if the business does not work out on Takealot. And not to mention, Takealot seller fees can make this worse for you.We have extensively talked about the Takealot Seller Fees in our Takealot Seller Course. It is free for a limited time, so feel free to take a look. (If it is paid, then you were late to the offer, we're sorry!)We also have an article about the Takealot Seller Fees in South Africa. Make sure to give it a read.So, is it Worth Selling on Takealot in South Africa?Absolutely! You have a product that may fare well on Takealot; or you may have an extensive budget and looking to expand your business in South Africa. In such cases, Takealot is your next step in the game. You can rest assured that your business will grow with Takealot and generate profit despite all the fees eating into your profit margin. Also, the fact that Takealot does care and helps you grow your business with its infrastructure. Let's talk about some pros of selling on Takealot.Extensive customer baseAs Takealot is the #1 platform in South Africa, the platform boasts an extensive customer base. If you are a small business that is doing well locally and looking forward to expanding your reach, Takealot can provide a solid foundation for your growth. With visitors from all over South Africa, Takealot provides you with an extensive reach with different potentials.Logistics InfrastructureTakealot boasts an extensive infrastructure of logistics and seller support. Retail businesses or even dropship businesses can benefit from Takealot in South Africa if you are looking forward to expanding your reach and exploring new corners of the country. As a seller, you get access to Takealot's logistics and other tools to streamline the selling process. Takealot can help you with stock storage, order fulfilment, customer service, and much more.TransparencyTakealot is a transparent platform. All the prices are displayed without any hidden fees. When you take a look at a product on Takealot, you may see different product prices for that one product. The competitive prices are never hidden on Takealot. Of course, on the display, however, will be the cheapest price of the product.In terms of Seller Fees, Takealot maintains complete transparency. You may see some reviews stating how they faced unexpected fees from Takealot. However, that is not the case. We highly advise you to thoroughly understand and keep track of the Seller Fees to avoid unexpected expenses. If you do not understand nor agree with the fee structure, please consider avoiding Takealot.Summing up, Takealot can be a great platform for you if you are an already established business looking for a nationwide outreach. On the other hand, if you are just a startup, we strongly advise you to gain a foothold in your local markets before playing the big game.ConclusionTakealot is a great platform if you are an established business. Of course, several other factors may help you consider Takealot. These factors are profit margins, the type of products, and understanding and managing the fees. We must note that Takealot does not have any hidden fees. Again, we have explained extensively about Takealot Fees in our Takealot Seller Course.If you have any questions regarding the Takealot Seller Course, feel free to reach out to us.

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Published - Fri, 12-Jul-2024

Why should you use WordPress to Build a Website in South Africa?

Created by - Skill Space

Why should you use WordPress to Build a Website in South Africa?

If you have used website builders like Wix or Weebly, you may have come across WordPress. WordPress is a completely free-to-use website builder supported by thousands of plugins and themes and an active developer community. In this article, let's explore the reasons why you should be using WordPress to build a website in South Africa.What is WordPress?WordPress is a website builder; an open-source content management system (CMS). You can create and use a basic WordPress website for free as long as the plugins and themes you use are free. It is a popular tool amongst many as you do not require any coding knowledge or experience to build a website and blog.If you were a blogger in the last decade, there's a high chance you must have used WordPress. WordPress was primarily developed to create blogs, such as news blogs, lifestyle blogs, hobby blogs, informative blogs, and so on. And now, WordPress is capable of making a full-fledged website within hours for any purpose. So, should you be using WordPress in 2024? The answer is absolutely yes, you should. It is a free-to-use website builder with thousands of free plugins and themes. Too good of an opportunity to pass on!But wait, why does it say I have to pay for WordPress?When it comes to WordPress, there are two distinct websites: and Despite the word 'WordPress' in the domain, the website/service is owned and operated by Automattic, Inc. They provide a modified version of the WordPress software with premium plans to eliminate the hassle of building a website and hosting a domain. The only free thing on is free blog hosting.On the other hand, the domain is owned by the WordPress Foundation. According to their website,"The WordPress Foundation is a charitable organization founded by Matt Mullenweg to further the mission of the WordPress open source project: to democratize publishing through Open Source, GPL software." allows you to build a website as you wish. You have the absolute control over the web design aspect. You are also free to host your WordPress website with whichever domain provider you see fit. So, if you are looking for a free WordPress experience, is the way to go.Why Should I Use WordPress to Build a Website in South Africa?According to WPZOOM, WordPress powers about 43.4% of all websites internationally and dominates the CMS market with a 62.7% share. Why?WordPress is Open-SourceOpen-source software refers to the software's code being available to the public. This means you can modify the source code as you wish and redistribute the software. The open-source idea survives on the basis of people contributing to the software to make it better. And thankfully, WordPress is blessed by thousands of developers and contributors who made WordPress the better CMS platform it is today.Beginner-FriendlyAs established previously, WordPress requires no coding knowledge or any engineering degree. WordPress CMS aimed to simplify website building and designing and has succeeded so far. WordPress is designed for non-technical people. Its user interface is intuitive and friendly.WordPress itself is just a blank canvas with a backend where you can manage your website settings. To add designs to your website, you simply have to download a theme. Furthermore, you can also add functionalities to your website by installing WordPress plugins.SEO-FriendlinessSearch Engine Optimisation is important if you want to make your website visible on a search engine like Google and attract organic traffic. Thanks to the simplicity of WordPress CMS, SEO optimisation on a WordPress website is simple. You can even get plugins like Yoast! SEO to help you optimise SEO for your website.SecurityWordPress consistently upgrades its platform, patching security loopholes, improving performance, or adding new features. You must update WordPress every time there's an update available. Once an update is available, you will get a notification about it on your website's backend. You want your website to be secure amidst numerous data breaches or hijacks happening everywhere. The consistent updates to the platform and plugins and active community keep the platform up-to-date, making it one of the safest and most secure CMS platforms.Supports all Media TypesA WordPress website allows you to load all sorts of web-compatible media files. That means you can put different kinds of images, videos, and text to make your website more appealing towards your audience. The flexible support allows for unlimited customisations, thus helping you make your website uniquely enticing.ConclusionWordPress is a great free website builder in South Africa that allows for immense website customisations at almost no cost. The only real financial aspect you will have to worry about is paying for a website host. The cost-effectiveness and ease of use are exactly why we would recommend using WordPress to build your dream website in South Africa.Skill Space is currently developing a full-fledged course on developing a WordPress website. The course will be out soon, so stay tuned. If you have any questions or require any guidance related to WordPress, kindly let us know by contacting us.

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Published - Tue, 09-Jul-2024

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