Published - Fri, 15-Nov-2024
As a regular internet user in South Africa, you must have seen the Coming Soon pages on a few websites. These pages usually give us a general idea of what's coming... of course! Do they really make an impact though? A well-designed, stunning Coming Soon Page definitely does. In this article, we will discuss how you can create a Stunning Coming Soon Page in WordPress for your website in South Africa.
By definition, a Coming Soon page is a temporary landing page that provides information about a new product, service, or website that is not yet ready to be launched. You may or may not see a countdown timer on these pages, but that is beside the point for now.
The real idea behind a Coming Soon page is to collect customer information for marketing purposes. In this sense, the page will likely offer you a chance to stay informed by providing your name and email. However, most Coming Soon pages are not predatory. Predatory in the sense that they will demand your data right off the bat. If they do demand your data, usually in the form of name and email, then they will offer some 'exclusivity' in return. For example, they will offer a useful PDF booklet or some behind-the-scene peeks and whatnot. It differs from website to website.
So, yes. You can see all the content on a Coming Soon page without providing your name and email. However, if you want to stay informed, consider providing them with your details. Remember, you can unsubscribe from mail lists at any time.
The process is quite simple.
First, log in to your WordPress dashboard. Once you see the Dashboard, go to Plugins and click on 'Add New Plugin'. The plugin we prefer is 'CMP Coming Soon'. It is a free plugin designed by NiteoThemes.
Click on 'Install Now' and wait for the process. Once it is done, activate it. To do so, just click on the blue 'Activate' button that replaces the install button.
Now you are set.
To make a stunning, captivating Coming Soon Page on your WordPress website in South Africa, you need some freedom of customisation, don't you?
The CMP Coming Soon plugin allows customisations via its content and customization tab. To access, go to your WordPress dashboard and access CMP Settings from the left-hand side menu.
Here's what you can customise on your Coming Soon page.
Logo Setup (text or image);
Heading and Body text;
Graphic Background of various forms; and
Content customisation such as font, text size, text alignment, and more.
We highly recommend watching this video for a full demonstration of the CMP Coming Soon plugin. In this video, we have extensively explained the step-by-step process of setting up and customising the plugin.
Creating a Stunning Coming Soon Page in WordPress is a creative process. That means we cannot exactly show you the way of creating one from scratch. However, understanding the tool itself will help you put your wonderful ideas on a canvas and create mini-masterpieces your website would call a 'Coming Soon' page.
We are also currently developing a WordPress Web Building course for beginners. If you are interested, sign up on our website today and stay informed about these courses as they go live.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us today.
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